Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro Windows XP

For those looking for a solution to getting the force feedback 2 joystick working in XP take a look here:

Force Feedback Article

However this brief reminder is that he old Force Feedback Pro joysticks do work under XP and they work pretty well. Only problem is that the forces are too strong. This makes them pretty hard to use under most situations except if you are doing the programming yourself. In which case, download the newest version of Visual C# Express Edition, or for that matter any of the visual languages and download the newest Microsoft DirectX SDK. I used 2006.

Go down a few levels and you'll find a cool utility that allows you to test out all the forces on the joystick.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (February 2006)\Samples\Managed\DirectInput\Bin\x86\csFeedback

You can also go up and edit the programs to your hearts desire. If you are using anything other than a joystick, you may have problems and will have to set the number of axes to 1 instead of two, but this is a well known problem.

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